Business Meeting
Westercon is governed by its members through the Westercon Bylaws. Members of Westercon vote on where to hold the Westercon two years hence at Westercon Site Selection. The rules for Site Selection are in the Westercon Bylaws and further information about the Westercon 66 site selection, including the ballot for choosing the site, are on the Site Selection page. The results of Site Selection will also be announced at the Business Meeting.
The Westercon Business Meeting (Sunday morning, 11:30 AM) is where all members of Westercon can propose, debate, and vote on changes to the Westercon Bylaws. Westercon 64’s Business Meeting will be governed by the Bylaws and Standing Rules as of the end of Westercon 63. No amendments to the bylaws are pending ratification. Any amendments to the bylaws passed this year will be passed on to Westercon 65 for ratification.
If you have questions about the Business Meeting, write to
When and where will we be able to see the recording of the 7/3/2011 Business Meeting? Thanks!