Committee on August 20th, 2009
Posted in Guests | Comments Off on McKillip in Guardian
Westercon 64 Guest of Honor, Patricia A. McKillip won the first ever World Fantasy Award for Best Novel with her book, The Forgotten Beasts of Eld. Today that book is reviewed in The Guardian as part of a series looking at award winning fantasy novels. We are pleased to see that the reviewer was impressed.
Committee on August 12th, 2009
Posted in Guests | Comments Off on Foglios win Hugo Award
Our congratulations to Westercon 64 Guests of Honor, Phil and Kaja Foglio, whose Girl Genius, Vol 8 won the first ever Hugo Award for Best Graphic Story in Montreal at the weekend. The only previous work of sequential art to win a Hugo was Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ legendary Watchmen, which won in a one-off category of “Other Forms” in 1988. This year’s Best Graphic Story category was a special creation of the Montreal Worldcon, but a vote of the Business Meeting of the World Science Fiction Society at that convention has confirmed the category as a permanent part of the Hugo Awards until at least 2012. Girl Genius topped the nominating ballots and emerged the winner in the Final Ballot after a hard-fought battle with Joss Whedon’s Serenity: Better Days.
Update: Although Phil & Kaja were unable to attend Anticipation, they posted their acceptance speech on the Girl Genius web site.
Committee on August 4th, 2009
Posted in Con Appearances | Comments Off on We Are On Facebook
We now have a Page on Facebook. If you are a regular Facebook user, please come along and say hello.