Fan Tables Westercon 64 follows the traditional practice of making complimentary space available for other non-commercial fan activities such as other conventions and clubs. Fan Tables will be located in the hallways outside the function rooms, and will not be secured overnight. To request a fan table, contact Bobbie DuFault at fantables [at] Scheduled to Attend The following groups are scheduled to have tables at Westercon 64: Renovation: 69th World Science Fiction Convention 2011 Chicon 7: 70th World Science Fiction Convention 2012
- Westercon 65: Conclusion (2012, Seattle)
- Westercon 66 bid (Portland)
- Westercon 67 bid (Utah)
- CostumeCon 30
- London in 2014 Worldcon Bid
- Spokane in 2015 Worldcon Bid
- Steamcon
- Combined San Diego Conventions table
- Steam Federation
- Heinlein Society
- St. Clair Aeronauts
Sales Tax and Permits Note that if your fan group is selling anything subject to California sales tax (such as t-shirts, but not including club and convention memberships), your group will need to have a California resale number (“seller’s permit”) regardless of your total sales. If your group needs but does not have a California seller’s permit, you can obtain a free temporary permit by filing with the California State Board of Equalization (link opens PDF of application form). Also please note that even if your group is tax-exempt under IRS 501(c)(3), you are still subject to collecting and paying California sales tax on taxable merchandise. Prescription Online You will not need a City of San José business license; groups qualified for fan tables will fall into at least one of the exemptions from San José business taxes. Late tonight, March 1, I tried to send a request for a fan table to the eddress above. The message bounced, an error of the permanent sort. The message says “mailbox temporarily disabled:“