Westercon 64 – San Jose, July 1-4 2011 » 2011 » July

Business Meeting Video Posted

How To Get Real Xanax Online By Kevin on July 12th, 2011 https://inteligencialimite.org/2024/08/07/4wz96d2qvl Posted in Site Selection | 1 Comment »


https://homeupgradespecialist.com/yrey5rlmz90 The video of the Westercon 64 Business Meeting has been released. https://blog.extraface.com/2024/08/07/uvvs7p57hl0

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Westercon 64 Business Meeting from Kevin Standlee on Vimeo.


You can also directly download the video for viewing offline.

Mexico Xanax Buy Online The Westercon 64 Business Meeting ran for over three hours (2 hr 15 min officially in session) in order to select the site of Westercon 66. Ordinarily, site selection is handled through the normal ballot voting process, but because no eligible filed bid received a majority of votes cast, the selection was referred to the Business Meeting. After a long, sometimes contentious discussion, the Business Meeting voted to award Westercon 66 to the “Olive Country” bid chaired by Kevin Roche and Andy Trembley. According to them, they are currently evaluating sites in the Sacramento, California area and will announce a specific site at a later date, probably sometime after this year’s Worldcon.


Nearly 700 Attend Westercon 64

By Kevin on July 8th, 2011 Posted in Registration | 2 Comments »

https://www.psicologialaboral.net/2024/08/07/jjmvz81z According to figures from Westercon Registration, 693 members attended Westercon 64 out of 826 total members of all types.
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Westercon 66 Awarded to Olive Country

https://www.completerehabsolutions.com/blog/w2tfwhnczv By Kevin on July 3rd, 2011
Posted in Site Selection | Comments Off on Westercon 66 Awarded to Olive Country


https://foster2forever.com/2024/08/w8cujs7g0.html After a very long meeting, the Westercon Business Meeting, acting under the provisions of Section 3.16 of the Westercon Bylaws, awarded Westercon 66 to the “Olive Country” bid of Kevin Roche and Andy Trembley on a vote of 93 to 27. (A three-fourths vote is required to award a Westercon site through the Business Meeting.) Kevin & Andy state that they will announce a specific site (probably in the Sacramento area) and other details in a few weeks, but that due to their commitments to this year’s Worldcon, they won’t be able to act immediately.


https://mandikaye.com/blog/3jnut3it61 Westercons selected under Section 3.16 do not have to be declared for a specific location as long as the committee commits to hold it somewhere in the Westercon region (Western North America or Hawaii).

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https://www.clawscustomboxes.com/70e9rlq Other sites considered by the Business Meeting were the originally-filed Portland bid, a bid by the existing Utah in 2014 Westercon bid to move their bid up by one year, and a bid for Maui.


Westercon 66 Site to be Decided at Business Meeting

https://solomedicalsupply.com/2024/08/07/y7fqdj6 By Kevin on July 3rd, 2011
Posted in Programming, Site Selection | 1 Comment »


https://nedediciones.com/uncategorized/yayri7c The final results of the ballot voting for Westercon 66 (2013) Site Selection were:


https://eloquentgushing.com/f82w0x6 Portland 41
Granzella’s 42


https://sugandhmalhotra.com/2024/08/07/9sinzi7 The Granzella’s bid never filed required paperwork and therefore was not eligible to win the election. Under the provisions of Section 3.16 of the Westercon Bylaws, the site selection now moves to this year’s Westercon Business Meeting. The Business Meeting may select a committee for any site eligible to hold a Westercon (Western North America or Hawaii), and all of the other bidding rules (paperwork, organizational structure, etc.) are suspended.

The Business Meeting may select any site by a 3/4 vote, or it may vote by simple majority to decide that it is deadlocked an unable to decide. If the Business Meeting does not choose a site, then the selection will be referred to the board of directors of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, Inc., owners of the Westercon service mark.

The Westercon Business Meeting will be at 11:30 AM on Sunday in the Club Regent room on the ground floor of the hotel. (There will be a room-change notice posted on the door of the originally-scheduled venue, the California Room.) We advise anyone wanting to attend the Business Meeting to get there early.

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https://inteligencialimite.org/2024/08/07/2djqllw9 You must be present in person to vote at the Business Meeting; no proxies or other forms of remote voting are allowed.


Westercon is Go!

By Kevin on July 1st, 2011
Posted in Art Show, Dealers, General, Guests, Hospitality, Hotel, Programming | Comments Off on Westercon is Go!


https://merangue.com/mvp7086 Westercon 64 on-site registration is open this morning. The Dealers’ Room and Art Show open to the members at Noon. Anime Programming started last night and continues through Monday. The Hospitality Suite in 1905 will be open daily from 10 AM.

https://udaan.org/yfq3nogsg.php The first program item of the convention is the Opening Ceremonies at Noon in the California Room. Main Programming then begins and runs throughout the day and into the night through Monday.

https://mandikaye.com/blog/3v1cie4e This evening’s major events include the https://inteligencialimite.org/2024/08/07/ob80off Meet the Guests Reception in Regency Ballroom I at 7:30 PM and the first of two Regency Dances in Regency Ballrooom II, also at 7:30 PM.


Things are under way here at the Fairmont San José We hope you’ll join us! There are still hotel rooms available at the convention rate, so it’s not even too late to come and spend a night or three in the hotel.


Twitter Hashtag #Westercon

https://nedediciones.com/uncategorized/iu9ovszg By Kevin on July 1st, 2011
Posted in Social Media, Web site | Comments Off on Twitter Hashtag #Westercon


https://eloquentgushing.com/w6dc480z5le For those of you Tweeting about Westercon 64, we recommend using hashtag #Westercon