SFSFC Launches Westercon Bid for San Jose
San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, Inc. is bidding to host the 2011 West Coast Science Fantasy Conference (Westercon 64) in San Jose, California.
The bid committee is currently evaluating proposals from several properties in the San Jose area, including the San Jose Doubletree Hotel and the San Jose Fairmont Hotel. The Doubletree has hosted many SF genre conventions including Westercon 36, Costume-Con 26, BayCon, and SiliCon. The Fairmont was the headquarters hotel for the 2002 Worldcon and will be site of the 2009 World Fantasy Convention. The committee will announce a specific site later in 2008.
Glenn Glazer will chair the San Jose in 2011 Westercon bid committee. He and other members of the bid committee will be present at the bid’s kick-off party, which will be at this year’s Westercon in Las Vegas, Nevada.
San Jose in 2011 is offering “pre-supporting” memberships for $15 and a variety of other types of memberships to help fund the bid. Membership forms and additional information about the bid are available on the bid’s web site. The bid accepts PayPal for online membership purchases and accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.