Westercon 64 – San Jose, July 1-4 2011 » Blog Archive » Nearly 700 Attend Westercon 64

Nearly 700 Attend Westercon 64

By Kevin on July 8th, 2011
Posted in Registration | 2 Comments »

According to figures from Westercon Registration, 693 members attended Westercon 64 out of 826 total members of all types.

The figures in more detail:

639 pre-registered
187 at the door
826 total members all types
133 no-shows
693 bodies on site

Membership figures include memberships of all types, including single-day memberships, 3 supporting members, 16 children, and 1 non-human animal companion. Our Registrar also points out that these figures are subject to later revision after a more thorough review of the records.

By Theresa M. Moore on 07.09.11 11:19 pm

Oh, god. I remember when as many as 8,000 attended. What happened? Maybe it was the economy? I haven’t been to a Westercon in almost 8 years, with good reason. Maybe next year, depending on where it is.

By Kevin on 07.10.11 11:11 am

I think you’re confusing Westercon with Worldcon. The largest Westercons drew approximately 2,500 members in the late 1980s. The largest Worldcon was in 1984 in Anaheim, with over 8,000. Attendance in both Worldcon and Westercon fell off in the 1990s, for reasons that continue to be debated.

Next year’s Westercon will be in Seattle.

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