
Download the Pocket Program here:
Westercon 64 Pocket Program (PDF)
Westercon 64 Pocket Program (EPUB)

Planned Program Hours Fri 1 pm – late night
Sat 10 am – late night
Sun 10 am – late night
Mon 10 am – 4 pm Programming will start at 1 PM on Friday, July 1, and the last program item will end at 4 PM on Monday, July 4. Panels programming start at 10 AM and programming runs late into the night, with special events such as the Masquerade scheduled for Saturday night. Other planned special events include Girl Genus Radio Theatre (a live performance of a radio-style play by Westercon guests Phil & Kaja Foglio), a special San José edition of the SF in SF reading series focusing on our Guests of Honor, an SF/F-themed game show, and other events still to be announced. For information about the special events, including their scheduled times, click on the tab for those events along the top of this page.

Zolpidem For Sale Online Hours for fixed functions of the convention, including Registration, the Dealers’ Room, and the Art Show, are listed on those functions’ pages.

Program Participants

The current list of Program Participants is on the Program Participants page.

Masquerade Information about the Westercon Masquerade is on the Masquerade page.

Order Zolpidem Online Uk 35 Comments so far
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By Will Morton on 07.05.10 4:23 pm I have had several stories published in various anthologies published by Pill Hill Press. I led one of the writing workshops at Westercon 63 in Pasadena. Also, I led a panel at to read aloud short stories which received a Hugo or Nebula. I’d like to do both again at Westercon 64!

Will: We’ve forwarded your comment to the Programming team; however, please note that comments posted here are not necessarily seen by Programming, and that the best way to contact Westercon 64 programming is to e-mail — Kevin Standlee, Westercon 64 Web Team

By Peter Glaskowsky on 09.18.10 9:04 pm Is it “” or “”? Both appear here. Or maybe it IS both? (Hi, Kevin. 🙂 . png Actually, both addresses work (one is an alias for the other), but I’ve fixed the consistency error.

By AmyCat =^.^= (Book Universe) on 03.23.11 7:27 pm How soon will we have a list of Program Participants? The sooner I have a list of attending authors, the better my chances of getting their books in for the con. 🙂

By Buy Zolpidem Kevin on 03.23.11 11:07 pm

Purchasing Ambien AmyCat: We’ll post lists of programming participants as our Programming department gives them to us; however, we don’t have a set schedule for doing such updates.

By Buy Zolpidem Online Overnight Richard Foss on 03.24.11 4:16 pm

Hi from Programming – There is a short list on the website, and we will try to update this every week or so.

By Carol Ann Alves on 04.01.11 1:34 pm

Only got my participant information into you last week. Sure hope you consider using me as part of your panelists. Would love to be part of a WesterCon again.

By A. Marina Fournier on 04.17.11 3:53 am

Above, it says:
“Programming will start at 1 PM on Friday, July 1, and the last program item will end at 4 PM on Monday, July 1.”

That’s one awfully long day. Perhaps Monday is the 4th?

Can’t wait!

Whoops! Typo corrected. Thank you!

By Zolpidem Online Overnight Delivery JimM on 06.08.11 10:37 pm

it would be nice to see at least a preliminary listing of planned topics so we can plan ahead
when its finalized more or less I like to be able to download a version of it so that i can use it as a templet.

By Order Ambien Online Is It Legal Glenn on 06.09.11 6:20 am

Yes, it would. Unfortunately, for personal reasons, we had to make a late in the game switch at programming and I don’t think we’re going to be able to do that this time around.

Looking forward to my first year here!

By Bill Stewart on 06.18.11 10:39 am

We really need a rough schedule so we can plan our time at the con, especially for the people from out of town but also for us locals who have other things on the weekend. Knowing that that programming is Friday to Monday and the masquerade is Saturday is helpful, but what days are the dealer’s room open, the concerts, and other major events? Something like
Friday – programs, gaming starts
Friday night – meet the guests, regency dance
Saturday – programs, dealers, art,
Saturday night – masquerade, concerts, parties
Sunday – programs, dealers, art
Sunday night – radio show, filk, parties
Monday – programs until 4, dealers and art until 2
Monday night – dead dog

By Bill Stewart on 06.18.11 10:41 am

Oops, and please feel free to edit or delete my previous comment, since that schedule was just a guess and probably has one or two major things wrong.

By Kevin on 06.18.11 10:55 am


The Dealers’ Room hours are on the Dealers’ Room page.

The Art Show hours are on the Art Show page.

The Anime hours are on the Anime page.

The Radio play schedule is on the Radio play page.

The game show schedule is on the Match Game SF page.

The SF in SF special guest event schedule is on the SF in SF page.

Perhaps it’s not obvious, but there are a bunch of tabs on the Programming page describing most of the Program events other than the detailed panel-by-panel schedule.

There is no planned “Meet the Guests” event, although the SF in SF event on Saturday is a focus event on the Guests of Honor. Otherwise, your outline of the convention is pretty good.

Registration opens on Thursday evening, as does the Anime program. The hours for Registration are on the Registration page. Programming starts on Friday at 1 PM, Saturday at 10 AM, Sunday at 10 AM, Monday at 10 AM, and ends on Monday afternoon.

Is this sufficient? How much more detail do you need? I’m very sorry that listing all of our schedule information for each event and function on that event or function’s page on the web site wasn’t sufficient. We’ve been trying to publish everything we know as soon as the web team knows it.

By Clonazepam Purchase Kevin on 06.18.11 11:00 am

Also, we do not have the detailed minute-by-minute, every-single-program-item schedule available at this time. If it’s available before the convention, we will publish it. I have tried to rewrite some of the material on this page to make it somewhat more obvious when programming begins and ends and how to find out when other things are happening.

By Daryl Frazetti on 06.19.11 9:35 am

looking forward to coming up !

Could you publish the Friday schedule early, even if the rest of the weekend hasn’t been nailed down? For those of us planning on attending the full Con, all we really need is the Friday afternoon and early evening schedule, so we can plan on when to arrive.

By Kevin on 06.21.11 7:28 am

Joe, if you mean the hour-by-hour specific schedule of what panels are happening with which panelists: we’ve forwarded your request to Programming. If what you’re asking is when things start in general on the first day of the convention, it works like this:

  • Registration opens 9 AM
  • Dealers Room opens Noon
  • Art Show opens Noon
  • Fan Tables are available from 10 AM
  • Anime program starts 10 AM
  • First panel program item is at 1 PM
  • Friday evening Regency Dance is at 7:30 PM
  • Hospitality will be open early in the afternoon until late at night
  • Parties will happen that evening

We do not have a more specific schedule, in the form of “these people will be appearing on this panel at this time and in this room” at this time. If we’re able to publish a more detailed schedule prior to the start of the convention, we will do so. If what you were trying to find out was “will there actually be anything open in the afternoon and will there be panels happening?” the answer is “yes, there will be.”

By Dawn on 06.23.11 12:41 am

Any idea of if and when McKillip might do a book signing?

By L Alaburda on 06.23.11 11:43 pm

I cannot locate an actual breakdown of the daily program activity on your website. If it is that difficult to track, where is the incentive for me to attend your event? Seriously, consider making it more user friendly for the newbies & perhaps the attenandance may increase.

By Glenn on 06.24.11 6:20 am

In general, what you are suggesting is a good idea, however, often it is impractical to execute on. There are various reasons for this, including guest availability changing at the last minute and other impacts to the schedule. In our case, the person running programming originally had to step down due to a family illness and so programming got a very late start.

Since I always go for the entire convention, I usually don’t worry about what is when until I get to the con – the events and programming will be sometime during the weekend and I don’t have anything scheduled except the con, which makes it easier to be relaxed about this subject.

By JimM on 06.25.11 11:50 pm

I was specifically referring to schedule for panels.

By Zolpidem Tablets Online Kevin on 06.26.11 11:50 am


We will post the detailed, panel-by-panel schedule as soon as we can. Our head of programming is working on it, but as Glenn said above, she has had to step into the process very late on account of having to take over when her predecessor had to bow out due to a serious illness in the family.

We’re aware that for some people, deciding what short period of time they can actually attend the convention is very important in their lives, and we will post a detailed schedule as soon as we can. “Old-timers” like me, however, look back with some bemusement. Until just a few years ago, the way you found out what program items were happening when was to pick up the program schedule at Registration.

By Buy Ambien Online Overnight JimM on 06.26.11 8:46 pm

thanks, just got a question regarding bare bones of filking. couldn’t find anything on site. could something be added, please.

By How To Get Zolpidem Online Kevin on 06.26.11 10:16 pm

JimM: We’re not holding out on you; it’s just that the necessary schedules haven’t been finished and provided to the web team yet. When we have them, we’ll publish them and make an announcement on the main page. Subscribe to website announcements to be informed when we make announcements.

By Buy Ambien Online Fast Shipping Alison Stern on 06.29.11 12:00 am

On Behalf of Lynn Gold (Filk Coordinator)
Concerts : Saturday
2:30-3:15pm Lynn Gold
3:15-4:00pm Jim Partridge
4:00-4:45pm Cliff Winnig (Sitar Music)
4:45-5:30pm Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff
5:30-7pm Dinner Break
7:00-dawn Open Filking

Concerts: Sunday
2:30-3:15pm Barry Gold
3:15-4:00pm Steve Savitzky
4:00-4:45pm Allison Lonsdale
4:45-5:30pm Moira Greyland
5:30-7:00pm Dinner Break
7:00-Dawn Open Filking

Programming Department

By Cary on 06.29.11 3:12 pm

How about posting the program schedule that went to the printer. The convention is less than 48 hours from starting. We can live with last minute changes, but I would like to figure out when I need to arrive.

By Kevin on 06.29.11 10:14 pm

The link to the PDF of the Pocket Program is now at the top of this page.

By Regina Reynante on 06.30.11 8:31 am

Autograph Schedule, at a glance:

Starts at 1 PM on Saturday, NOT 10 AM as reflected in the pocket program.

* * Autographing Session (show)
Patricia McKillip, Mike Shepherd Moscoe Saturday 13:00 – 14:30 Imperial Ballroom Fandom

* * Autographing Session (show)
James C. Glass, Stephen Goldin, Matthew Joseph Harrington, Deborah Ross Saturday 14:30 – 16:00 Imperial Ballroom Fandom

* * Autographing Session (show)
Karen E. Taylor Saturday 16:00 – 17:30 Imperial Ballroom Fandom

* * Autographing Session (show)
Daryl Frazetti, Dave Trowbridge Sunday 13:00 – 14:30 Imperial Ballroom Fandom

* * Autographing Session (show)
Valerie E. Frankel, Norm Sperling Sunday 14:30 – 16:00 Imperial Ballroom Fandom

* * Autographing Session (show)
Jean Marie Stine, Bruce Taylor Sunday 16:00 – 17:30 Imperial Ballroom Fandom

By Kevin on 06.30.11 9:12 am

The Autograph sessions are now listed on their own Autographs page.

By Regina Reynante on 06.30.11 10:01 am

Thanks Kevin!

By Wanda Kurtcu on 07.04.11 11:26 am


Had a great time and, as usual, it was great meeting up with friends and making new ones. Good job, Programming Crew, in creating interesting panels and events.


By Glenn on 07.05.11 4:49 pm

Thanks so much, Wanda. I will certainly forward your comments on to the Programming Team.

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