
The current members of the convention committee and their contact details are as follows. If a partial e-mail address (e.g. “chair@”) follows a name, it means you can contact that person/area by using that address

  • Chair: Glenn Glazer (chair@)
    • Flying Monkey: Allison Hershey
  • Treasurer: Lisa Deutsch Harrigan (treasurer@)
  • Hotel: Dave Gallaher (hotel@)
    • Party Liaison: Bobbie DuFault (parties@)
  • Web: Cheryl Morgan, Kevin Standlee (website@)
  • Registration: Jordan Brown (registration@)
    • Registration Webapp: Kevin Roche
  • Publications: Maurine Starkey (pubs@)
    • Program Book: Eleanor Farrell (programbook@)
  • Dealers Room: David W. Clark (dealers@)
    • Autograph Sessions: Regina Reynante (autographing@)
  • Art Show: Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink and Jerome Scott (artshow@)
  • Fan Tables: Bobbie DuFault (fantables@)
  • Operations/Con Office: LaMont Jones (ops@)
    • Information Desk: Cathy Mullican
    • Logistics: Aaron Spielman
  • Programming: Deirdre Saoirse Moen (programming@)
    • Advisors: Richard Foss and Jim Hay
    • Science Track: Talin
    • Anime Room: Todd Allis (anime@)
    • Children’s Programming: Alison Stern
    • Filking/Music: Lynn Gold (filk@)
  • Business Meeting: Kevin Standlee (business@)
    • BM Secretary: Linda Deneroff
    • Videographer: Lisa Hayes
  • Westercon 2013 Site Selection: Sharon Sbarsky
    • Deputy: Rick Kovalcik
  • Guest of Honor Liaison: K. Dawn Plaskon (goh@)
  • Masquerade: Jennifer “Radar” Wylie (masquerade@)
  • Hospitality: Sandra Childress (hospitality@)
    • Staff Lounge: David Schlosser & Kay McCutcheon
    • Hospitality Staff: David Bratman
  • Fanzine Lounge: Chris Garcia (fanzinelounge@)
    • Staff: Leigh Ann Hildebrand, España Sheriff