Westercon 64 – San Jose, July 1-4 2011 » Programming

Westercon 66 Site to be Decided at Business Meeting

By Kevin on July 3rd, 2011
Posted in Programming, Site Selection | 1 Comment »

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https://inteligencialimite.org/2024/08/07/ftehp8c The final results of the ballot voting for Westercon 66 (2013) Site Selection were:


https://blog.extraface.com/2024/08/07/5nrx4cl1k8o Portland 41
Granzella’s 42


Xanax Online Overnight Shipping The Granzella’s bid never filed required paperwork and therefore was not eligible to win the election. Under the provisions of Section 3.16 of the Westercon Bylaws, the site selection now moves to this year’s Westercon Business Meeting. The Business Meeting may select a committee for any site eligible to hold a Westercon (Western North America or Hawaii), and all of the other bidding rules (paperwork, organizational structure, etc.) are suspended.


The Business Meeting may select any site by a 3/4 vote, or it may vote by simple majority to decide that it is deadlocked an unable to decide. If the Business Meeting does not choose a site, then the selection will be referred to the board of directors of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, Inc., owners of the Westercon service mark.

The Westercon Business Meeting will be at 11:30 AM on Sunday in the Club Regent room on the ground floor of the hotel. (There will be a room-change notice posted on the door of the originally-scheduled venue, the California Room.) We advise anyone wanting to attend the Business Meeting to get there early.


https://www.clawscustomboxes.com/euqa2chlp7 You must be present in person to vote at the Business Meeting; no proxies or other forms of remote voting are allowed.


Westercon is Go!

By Kevin on July 1st, 2011
Posted in Art Show, Dealers, General, Guests, Hospitality, Hotel, Programming | Comments Off on Westercon is Go!


Westercon 64 on-site registration is open this morning. The Dealers’ Room and Art Show open to the members at Noon. Anime Programming started last night and continues through Monday. The Hospitality Suite in 1905 will be open daily from 10 AM.


The first program item of the convention is the Opening Ceremonies at Noon in the California Room. Main Programming then begins and runs throughout the day and into the night through Monday.


https://www.completerehabsolutions.com/blog/0goa92m9 This evening’s major events include the https://www.psicologialaboral.net/2024/08/07/cobedzu Meet the Guests Reception in Regency Ballroom I at 7:30 PM and the first of two Regency Dances in Regency Ballrooom II, also at 7:30 PM.

https://transculturalexchange.org/sh5vowf2o Things are under way here at the Fairmont San José We hope you’ll join us! There are still hotel rooms available at the convention rate, so it’s not even too late to come and spend a night or three in the hotel.


Autograph Session
Schedule Published

https://solomedicalsupply.com/2024/08/07/7fbd1ndqvs2 By Kevin on June 30th, 2011
Posted in Programming | Comments Off on Autograph Session
Schedule Published


Order Alprazolam Online Cod Autograph sessions are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday in the Imperial Ballroom. They start at 1 PM, not 10 AM as listed in the Pocket Program. For the full schedule, see the Autographs page.


Programming Schedule Published

By Kevin on June 29th, 2011
Posted in Programming | 1 Comment »

https://mandikaye.com/blog/9cfw0ty2dtl The Westercon 64 Pocket Program with the complete panel-programming schedule is now available for download in PDF and EPUB formats from the Programming Page. This schedule is, of course, subject to change without notice. The EPUB format is slightly more updated that the PDF, as the PDF is the version sent to the printer, while the EPUB document reflects changes after the printing deadline.


https://polyploid.net/blog/?p=0a7t4rrx50 An updated Panelist List including cancellations is also now available. As with the program itself, participants are subject to last-minute changes.

Music Programming

https://transculturalexchange.org/3hy84v84 By Kevin on June 29th, 2011
Posted in Programming | Comments Off on Music Programming

The Filk Music Program schedule is now available. All filk concerts and open filking will be in the California Room.

Westercon Special Events

3Mg Xanax Bars Online By Kevin on June 20th, 2011
Posted in Art Show, Dealers, General, Guests, Masquerade, Programming | Comments Off on Westercon Special Events

https://blog.extraface.com/2024/08/07/yrq4ybt Westercon 64 issued the following press release this morning discussing the convention’s major special events.

https://solomedicalsupply.com/2024/08/07/g8k2m7rbe https://homeupgradespecialist.com/7xf3pix9798 WESTERCON 64
2011 West Coast Science Fantasy Conference
PO Box 61363, Sunnyvale CA 94088-1363 USA
info@westercon64.org; http://www.westercon64.org/


Westercon 64 Announces Special Events

https://foster2forever.com/2024/08/gbjmi7ei0p.html This Fourth of July weekend sees Westercon 64, the 2011 West Coast Science Fantasy Conference, coming to downtown San Jose. Westercon 64 will include several special events in its schedule in addition to traditional SF/F convention programming. Among the special events planned is a performance of a radio-style play written by artist guests of honor Phil and Kaja Foglio, a themed Saturday afternoon tea with writer guest of honor Patricia McKillip, a focus event on the guests moderated by Terry Bisson from the SF in SF reading series, and an SF/F-themed game show. The convention will also include two Regency Dances and the Westercon Masquerade costume contest.
https://merangue.com/4l4h3y736cg Read more…

Classics of Science Fiction

https://nedediciones.com/uncategorized/la09292729 By Kevin on June 20th, 2011
Posted in Programming | 2 Comments »

https://homeupgradespecialist.com/kdazdhb3 John Hertz will be leading discussions of three classic SF works at Westercon 64. As he puts it, “A classic is a work that survives its own time. After the currents which might have sustained it have changed, it remains, and is seen to be worthwhile for itself.” If you have a better definition, bring it to the panels.

Alprazolam Order Online Now Each of the three classics is worth reading, or re-reading. Each discussion will take up one. Come to as many as you like. You’ll be welcome to join in. Check the program schedule at the convention for the specific time and location of the discussion.
https://nedediciones.com/uncategorized/p66wawcu2kt Read more…

Regency Dance

By Kevin on June 18th, 2011
Posted in Programming | Comments Off on Regency Dance

https://udaan.org/7wysz1c2e.php At 7:30 on Friday evening of Westercon 64, John Hertz will be teaching and leading Regency Dancing in the appropriately named Regency Ballroom. More details on the Dances page.

Anime Schedule Published

https://www.clawscustomboxes.com/5f8s2ium8pc By Kevin on June 17th, 2011
Posted in Programming | Comments Off on Anime Schedule Published

Westercon 64 plans an extensive program of Anime, staring the Thursday night before the convention’s official Friday, July 1 opening, running 10 AM-2AM on Friday through Sunday, and continuing until Monday afternoon. We’ve published the planned schedule of items on the Anime Program Page.

SF in SF in San José

By Kevin on June 13th, 2011
Posted in Programming | Comments Off on SF in SF in San José

https://transculturalexchange.org/rz9vxt8zenb The ongoing SF in SF reading series has been bringing quality science fiction, fantasy, and horror authors to the Bay Area literary community since 2005. Westercon is pleased to host a special San José edition of SF in SF on Saturday, July 2 from 5:30 to 7:00 PM in the Club Regent Room on the ground floor of the Fairmont Hotel. This special San José edition of SF in SF will feature moderator Terry Bisson and Guests of Honor Patricia McKillip, Phil & Kaja Foglio, and Mike Willmoth.

For more details about this special SF in SF focusing on Westercon 64’s Guests of Honor, see the SF in SF page in our Programming section.