Site Selection Ballot Released By Kevin on May 25th, 2011 Posted in Site Selection | Buy Zolpidem Tartrate Online Comments Off on Site Selection Ballot Released
The ballot to choose the site of Westercon 66, the 2013 West Coast Science Fantasy Conference, is now available. We will include a copy of this ballot in our next progress report, which will be mailed soon to all registered members.
Buy Clonazepam Online Any member of Westercon 64 may vote by completing the ballot and paying a $25 voting fee, all of which goes to the winning bidder and represents a supporting membership in the winning bid. You can vote by mail or in person at Westercon 64. The polls are scheduled to be open on Friday and Saturday of the convention between Noon and 7 PM, and the results will be announced at the Westercon Business Meeting on Sunday. More details are on the ballot and the Site Selection page.