Westercon 64 – San Jose, July 1-4 2011 » Blog Archive » Foglios win Hugo Award

Foglios win Hugo Award

By Committee on August 12th, 2009
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2009 Hugo AwardOur congratulations to Westercon 64 Guests of Honor, Phil and Kaja Foglio, whose Girl Genius, Vol 8 won the first ever Hugo Award for Best Graphic Story in Montreal at the weekend. The only previous work of sequential art to win a Hugo was Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ legendary Watchmen, which won in a one-off category of “Other Forms” in 1988. This year’s Best Graphic Story category was a special creation of the Montreal Worldcon, but a vote of the Business Meeting of the World Science Fiction Society at that convention has confirmed the category as a permanent part of the Hugo Awards until at least 2012. Girl Genius topped the nominating ballots and emerged the winner in the Final Ballot after a hard-fought battle with Joss Whedon’s Serenity: Better Days.

Update: Although Phil & Kaja were unable to attend Anticipation, they posted their acceptance speech on the Girl Genius web site.

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