Kevin on June 12th, 2011
Posted in Hotel, Programming | 2 Comments »
Ambien Online Overnight Delivery We’ve posted a map of our planned function room assignments on the Hotel Map page.
Cheapest Ambien Generic Most of Westercon 64’s functions will be on the second floor, including convention Registration, which will be in the Market Street Foyer (take the escalators from the lobby). Some Programing and special events like Girl Genius Radio Theatre will be in the Club Regent room on the ground floor near the hotel’s Lobby Bar.
Buy Clonazepam Discreet Shipping Note that the function rooms on second floor are arranged as a hollow square, so if you keep walking around the halls here, you will eventually come back to where you started. Some people have found this confusing, but it does mean that if you take the elevators or the First Street stairs on your way to register, it doesn’t matter whether you turn left or right, because it’s the same distance either way to Registration on the opposite side of the first floor. We are not using any of the hotel’s function rooms in the south tower. All functions will be in the main tower. By
Kevin on June 11th, 2011
Posted in Programming | Comments Off on Get Ready to Match the Stars! Westercon 64 will feature two shows of Match Game SF, the SF/F-themed game show based on the popular 1970s game show. Contestants will be randomly selected from the audience to match wits with our panel, with the object being to guess how the panel answers fill-in-the-blank questions like “Captain Kirk has the biggest ___ in Starfleet.” Winners receive prizes such as gift certificates from Westercon 64 dealers, while all contestants receive Lovely Parting Gifts (TM).
Ordering Ambien Online Match Game SF will be on Saturday afternoon of Westercon at 2:30 PM, while the second “Late Night” edition will be on Sunday night at 10 PM after the performance of Girl Genius Radio Theatre. Both shows will be in the Club Regent Room on the ground floor of the Fairmont Hotel. The Saturday afternoon show is “rated PG” for suggestive language, while Sunday’s “Late Night” show is unrestricted, with parental discretion strongly advised.
Order Zolpidem From Canada Note: the initially announced time for Saturday’s show was 4 PM. This has been moved to 2:30 PM. By
Kevin on June 9th, 2011
Posted in Guests, Programming | Comments Off on Girl Genius Radio Theatre
Zolpidem 10Mg To Buy The highlight of Sunday evening’s programming at Westercon 64 will be a performance of Girl Genius Radio Theatre, a live performance of a radio-style play based on the Girl Genius graphic novels. Featured in the cast will be Westercon 64’s guests of honor Kaja and Phil Foglio and the Girl Genius Radio Players. The Players are recruited from among the convention members during the convention, so persons interested in performing in the cast can stop by the Studio Foglio table in the Dealers’ Room and talk to the Foglios about the play.
The Girl Genius Radio Theatre performance is scheduled for Sunday evening at 8 PM in the Club Regent Room on the ground floor of the Fairmont Hotel. (Note that this is the only convention program space on the ground floor. All other functions will be on the second floor.) By
Kevin on April 8th, 2011
Posted in Programming | Comments Off on Initial Program Participant List Posted
Purchase Zolpidem Tartrate We now have a Program Participant Page listing confirmed program participants as provided by our Programming team. Programming appearances are, of course, subject to change without notice. We’ll update the Participant List as necessary.
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Remember that our Programming team does not necessarily monitor every comment posted here. Contact them with Programming-related questions. We’ll forward questions posted here on the web site to Programming, but that may delay your response.
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Committee on March 15th, 2011
Posted in Programming | Comments Off on Program Update
We’re working on an exciting and different program using the very diverse talents of writers, artists, scientists, and authors who are attending this convention. Expect to see new things — we’re going to push the boundaries a bit.
Besides our guests of honor, our confirmed SF and fantasy authors include the following: Maya Bohnhoff, Amy Sterling Casil, James Glass, Lisa Goldstein, Robert Hole, Deborah Ross, John Shirley, Karen Taylor, Dave Trowbridge, and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. We will be hosting a book launch from an author who will be flying in from Japan, and we will debut the first showing of a comic character’s appearance on video (and no, we can’t tell you which one). Award-winning science writer and astronomer Dr. Ken Croswell will grace our science programming on his first visit to a science fiction convention. We also have film critics, experts on the occult, comics authors and publishers, and entrepreneurs who are taking SF and fantasy into new media. Check here often or subscribe to our site updates for more news about a program that is going to be something special!
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