The Bid Committee

Buy Cheap Xanax Online The following people were involved with the bid:

Glenn Glazer (chair) Glenn GlazerGlenn Glazer has been working on conventions for over two decades in a wide variety of positions in facilities, registration, operations, programming and fixed functions. He has been active in California fandom from his start in San Diego fandom, through his return to Los Angeles and his move to Northern California. He was recently one of the guests of honor at a small 110 person convention chaired by fellow SFSFC director Tom Whitmore.

James M. Briggs James M. BriggsJames chaired the 2006 Westercon in San Diego. He has attended twelve Worldcons (soon to be thirteen; his first was L.A.con III), worked on seven of them, has been a department head for five, and will be Member Services division manager for the 2008 Worldcon. He regularly attends Worldcon, Westercon, Conjecture, Loscon, Coppercon, Leprecon, and SMOFcon. He and Sandra Childress were guests of honor at ConCave in 2006.

Sandra Childress Sandra ChildressSandra is the crazy chinchilla lady of Ramona who some how finds time to throw killer parties and talk hotels into letting small conventions happen in San Diego. She’s known for running the Con Suite at Con Jose, the 62nd Worldcon, as well as the infamous Green Punch from the San Diego Westercon Bid Parties. She and James Briggs were guests of honor at ConCave in 2006.

Wolfgang Coe

Xanax 2Mg For Sale Online Wolfgang CoeWolfgang Coe, a Bay Area native, has been attending and assisting Greater Bay Area fan-run conventions for over 25 years. Staying mostly on the Operations side of the house, he has volunteered in or managed most departments/divisions from gopher to chairman. Over the years he has been involved with several fannish organizations. Currently, he is a member of the Board of Directors of SFSFC and the bid committee for Westercon 64. After all this time imagine his shock and dismay when he found out that fandom conventions were really run and organized by a secret group of little blue peop… Wait! What? You said “SMOF”…?

Lisa Deutsch Harrigan Lisa Deutsch HarriganLisa Detusch Harrigan was the chairman of Westercon 40. A long time science fiction and fantasy fan, she can be found going to lots of conventions (BayCon, Silicon, Westercon, Worldcon, and Mythcon, to name a few), regularly attending BASFA Meetings, and costuming. Currently, She is the Treasurer of the Mythopoeic Society, Treasurer to Costume Con 26, Treasurer to Mythcon 38, 39, and 40 (yes, she does forget to stop volunteering). In her past life, she was chairman of Mythcon 10. She is married to a fan, Mom of two fans, and grandmother to 4 boys, yep, more fans.

Kevin Standlee Kevin StandleeKevin is the Corporate Secretary of SFSFC. He has held many posts on convention committees at all levels, most notably co-chair of ConJosè, the 2002 World Science Fiction Convention in San Jose, deputy chair of ConAdian, the 1994 Worldcon in Winnipeg, and Events division manager of Interaction, the 2005 Worldcon in Glasgow. Besides SFSFC, he is currently a director of CanSMOF, the parent non-profit corporation of Anticipation, the 2009 Worldcon in Montreal. He was one of the guests of honor at CascadiaCon, the 2005 North American Science Fiction Convention.

Kevin regularly holds forth on his LiveJournal about subjects that interest him, including not just conrunning and parliamentary procedure, but also trains and transit.

Maurine ʽMOʼ Starkey Maurine ʽMOʼ StarkeyMaurine ʽMOʼ Starkey is a veteran of the computer game industry, artist, illustrator, designer and producer. She has created games for Disney, Namco, Virgin, Game Show Network, EA and many others over the years. As a founding member of Westwood Associates, she has established a foundation of smart work and integrity. Her attention to detail has made her valuable in maintaining quality when working with high profile intellectual properties.

She has illustrated comics, designed logos, t-shirts and other branding imagery. She has proven herself to be a solid and versatile professional.

Currently she is a member of the IGDA, International Game Developers Association. She volunteers for the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco and works with the Casual Games Conference in Seattle. In 2006 she was listed as one of the top 100 Most Influential Women in Gaming by Next Gen.

ConJosè in 2002 was her first full exposure to the fan scene and her very first Worldcon. She was happy to coordinate and organize the Blood Drive for that year. It was a great learning experience. With her partner Dann Lopez, she heads a small bay area convention called SiliCon.

For more about Mo, see her LiveJournal and DeviantART site.

Xanax Online Shipping 7 Comments so far
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By Danny Low on 07.27.09 10:43 am Why is there no list of e-mail addresses by function (e.g. chair, registration, art show, programming, etc.) for people to contact the concom members? Now that the bid has won, it is time to change this About page to a Contact Us page.

By Glenn on 07.27.09 10:46 am

This is a fair request, however many of us are either gearing up for Worldcon right now or already on the road. We will fix this sometime soon after that, though.

Buy Alprazolam Pills You’re right, and we will get that sorted out eventually; however, having Worldcon follow so closely on after Westercon this year, along with the involvement that most members of our committee have with Anticipation, has diverted resources. Expect the functional changes to happen after Worldcon.

By Stan Sieler on 08.12.09 4:44 pm Hi…looking for a “contacts” page at!

Sandoz Xanax Online Not finding one, I’m using this feedback form.
Hmm…google found page=15 which has email address…but it doesn’t think any pages at link to that page!

By Glenn on 08.12.09 5:07 pm Hi, Stan.

Actually you can get to page 15 by clicking on the About button. There will be a contact button, push that and it gets you page 15 with our email and snail mail addresses. But, yes, the info address is the correct one.

By Barry Gold on 02.26.11 10:19 am

The “site” page (which should be called “Hotel” for the benefit of fans who aren’t SMOFs) still says the hotel isn’t accepting reservations for Westercon.

Xanax Cheapest Online I know this is not true, because I called the hotel and made a reservation at the convention rate. The page should be updated.

Also, even if you don’t have email addresses by function, you should at least have a “contact us” link that goes to the webmaster (either by name, or as “webmaster@”.

By Alprazolam Prescription Online Kevin on 02.26.11 10:34 am

Barry: The “site” page (which should be called “Hotel” for the benefit of fans who aren’t SMOFs) Okay, perhaps you will be happier with it changed to “Hotel.” Of course, now there’s no logical place to put anything about how to get to San José. Perhaps you have a suggestion?

…still says the hotel isn’t accepting reservations for Westercon. I know this is not true, because I called the hotel and made a reservation at the convention rate. The page should be updated.

The reason we haven’t updated it is because that (as of 10:25 on 26 February) there is a bug in the online booking system that won’t let you reserve rooms for check-in prior to July 1. That is, if you want to check in to the hotel on the night before the convention starts, you can’t make a reservation online. Our experience of late has shown that if online reservations aren’t working, it’s unwise to say that you can make reservations, even if there are ways (like calling the hotel) to do so. If you tell people they can make reservations and they find that the online system won’t let them make the reservation, they’ll start saying the hotel must be sold out.

Our hotel liaison is working with the Fairmont and with PassKey, the reservations agency, to get this bug fixed. Once it’s fixed, we’ll update the Hotel pages and make an announcement about online booking availability.

Also, even if you don’t have email addresses by function, you should at least have a “contact us” link that goes to the webmaster (either by name, or as “webmaster@”.

All of these things can be found on the Contact Us and Committee pages. But since you’re not the first person to say they can’t find this, we’ve changed “About/Business” (which is where the Contact Us page is filed) to “Contact/Business,” which I hope will be easier for people to find. Setting up the front-page links for any convention web site is difficult. We’ve found in the past that many people want whatever it is they are personally interested in to be right at the top. This has led to convention web sites with about fifty links on the front page, which then leads people to show up, look at the clutter, then leave with their eyes glazed over. It’s not really “winnable” because there is no single design that suits every person. I’m sorry that the way in which we arranged our top-level headings was sufficiently confusing to you that you elected to contact us via our Bid Committee pages.

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